Jeff Gerke says: I'm excited to report that the second release list of MLP titles has officially earned out (publishing lingo for "broken even"). After only two months, the second list is in the black. I was been thrilled that the first list had earned out in only four months. The second did it in two months. What's in store for the third list? Speaking of the third list, I now have the first book for list #3 under contract. You're going to love this thing. Think Asimov meets Muhammad in space. ;-) Marcher Lord Press was mentioned in a national publication in June. The sales event went beautifully (despite the hacking of my site). And my fiction craft book continues to wow readers. Read on to find out more. Publisher |
The Second List Breaks Even
Led by strong independent sales of The Dark Man, the author's massive marketing genius and great Amazon sales of By Darkness Hid, and strong promotional efforts for Starfire, the second release list from Marcher Lord Press has earned out. In only two months.
Not all the books have independently hit the tipping point, but put together the combined sales of all three have definitely pushed us over the top.
That means I can look forward to list 3 in full confidence that it can go forward as planned. When you're a small press, you live season to season. If season 1 does well, you can do a season 2. Now our season 2 has done well so we can do a season 3.
It shows the extreme importance of you, the loyal fan. Continue supporting Marcher Lord Press as you have and MLP can continue. Thank you for what you do!
Last month's sales promotion was a great success. It was fun hearing the reactions from people who got to discover the "The Istaka Passage," the 10,500-word-long set of scenes that was actually a subplot originally written for Hero, Second Class.
I've got one book for list 3 already under contract. Hopefully in August I'll be able to talk about all three books I will (he said by faith) by then have under contract.
Finally, Marcher Lord Press and our title By Darkness Hid by Jill Williamson was mentioned in USA Today in June! How cool is that? That's great exposure for lil' ol' us! Check out the article.