
News for April 9th, 2010

There's a new edition of Residential Aliens up now at http://www.resaliens.com/. This time it includes stories by Walt Staples, Kat Heckenbach, Stoney M. Setzer and more.

A.P. Fuchs says: My zombie novel, Zomtropolis: A Record of Life in a Dead City, is now being posted on my website at http://www.canisterx.com. There will be a new installment each week, updated Fridays. This is a story about zombies, a futuristic city torn to ruins, blood, guts and that little thing called love. Please click on the link to be taken to the book's page, which lists the table of contents. http://apfuchs.wordpress.com/zomtropolis/ Thanks. Enjoy the story.

Check out the Facebook fan page for the New Authors Fellowship: http://www.facebook.com/newauthors for plenty of action and interaction with up-and-coming speculative fiction authors.

This also looks to be an interesting Facebook group: the C.S. Lewis Society of California


News for April 7th, 2010

International Thriller Writers has a feature on Jeremy Robinson and his new novel Instinct, with insights on his career so far: http://www.thrillerwriters.org/2010/03/instinct-by-jeremy-robinson.html

Fred Warren says: Two short stories published this month. "The Silver Tree," a science fiction tale of a young girl in a technologically-backward colony who makes an unusual discovery, appears in issue #8 of the speculative fiction print journal Kaleidotrope (www.kaleidotrope.net). "The Chamber of Doors," a fantasy story about a traveling scholar who steals a piece of fruit and discovers a unique flavor of justice, debuts in the April 2010 issue of Bards & Sages Quarterly, available as a PDF download or in print at http://www.bardsandsages.com/quarterly.html.

Seasons in the Mist is a great new time travel novel from Deborah Kinnard: http://www.sheafhouse.com

There's a new review of Karina Fabian's Magic, Mensa & Mayhem by Agnes Dee at The Genre Review: http://thegenreview.com/?p=722

Also new reviews at Splashdown this week:


News for April 5th, 2010

There's a new interview with James Rubart at TitleTrakk on the occasion of the release of ROOMS, his unusual supernatural novel set mainly on the Oregon coast.
Check it out here: http://titletrakk.com/author-interviews/james-rubart-interview.htm

Marcher Lord Press is releasing three new novels, and they are all sequels of previously published authors: Jill Williamson, Steve Rzasa, and Kerry Nietz. Go here to check out the best deals: http://www.marcherlordpress.com/New_Store/Bundles_and_Specials.htm

The new issue of The Cross and the Cosmos is now available at http://crossandcosmos.com/ by clicking the image panel to the right of the page. This edition contains stories by Grace Bridges, Frank Luke and KM Wilsher.

Two new reviews of speculative fiction at Afictionado:
Deadlock by Robert Liparulo - http://www.acfw.com/cgi-bin/ezine/apr10.pl?record=7
Powers by John B. Olson - http://www.acfw.com/cgi-bin/ezine/apr10.pl?record=8