Faced with the planet’s imminent destruction, Commander Yamane has no choice but to seek the help of the Antarans, an alien civilization he had defeated in a war a decade before. Though they have every reason not to come to Earth’s rescue, Yamane sets forth on a desperate journey to the Antaran home world, knowing that the survival of mankind is hanging by a thread.
Follow the adventures of Commander Frank Yamane and his crew as they struggle to determine whether this will be Earth’s finest hour, or the destruction of us all.
Published by Silver Leaf Books, our novel officially comes out on May 1.
If you would like to get a book for yourself, you can go online and get it at the following websites:
Silver Leaf Books (the publisher) www.silverleafbooks.com
Amazon: When The Sky Fell at Amazon
Barnes & Noble: The Sky Chronicles at B&N
Borders: WhenThe Sky Fell at Borders
If you want to know a little more about the book, you can also go to our websites. They have all kinds of interesting information on them, including the Pixar artist who did the cover art. Just go to: www.mikelynchbooks.com or www.brandonbarr.com
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