Alphabetical by Last Name

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T.W. Ambrose, Editor, Digital Dragon Magazine
Yvonne Anderson, "fiction that takes you out of this world" (SF)
Starla Anne, Author at Fictioneer
Shauna Atkinson Paranormal/Fantasy, Fresno Fiction Examiner
P.A. Baines SF, New Authors' Fellowship
Kacy Barnett-Gramcow, Fantasy/YA; Freelance Editor
Brandon Barr SF/Adventure, Political Thrillers, Historical
Geralyn Beauchamp Time Travel
Lara Bowers Fantasy
Grace Bridges SF; Publisher, Splashdown Books
Maurice Broaddus, Urban Fantasy / Steampunk / Multi-Genre
David Brollier
James Matthew Byers
Kimberli Campbell Fantasy
Jeff Chapman Fantasy/Horror
Joe Chiappetta SF/Kids
Kristen & Kevin Collier 
Lisa Collins, Fantasy
R.L. Copple Fantasy & SF
Johne Cook, Editor, Ray Gun Revival
Malcolm Cowen
Frank Creed SF
Coach Culbertson, Editor Relief Journal
Steve Doyle Paranormal
Craig Dressler, Fantasy
Mike Duran Supernatural
C.L. Dyck Fantasy & SF; Freelance Editor
Steven Dromgool
Karina Fabian Fantasy & SF
Joseph Ficor  SF
Philip M. Flynt
Paeter Frandsen SF
A.P. Fuchs SF/Horror
Adam Graham SF/Fantasy
Andrea Graham SF/Fantasy
Diane M. Graham Fantasy, Reviewer, New Authors Fellowship
Peter J. Grant
David Harrington
Paulette Harris Supernatural
Cathi Hassan Reviewer
Timothy Hicks, SF/Fantasy
Kat Heckenbach Fantasy/YA/Horror; Artist
Holly Heisey SF/Fantasy; Artist
Dylan Higgins, Fantasy
Sharon Hinck Fantasy
Caprice Hokstad SF/Fantasy
Ginny Jaquespost apocalyptic/supernatural, self-publishing, Millennium Journeys Press
David James Supernatural
L.S. King SF; Editor, Ray Gun Revival
Pete Koziar SF, Poetry
Chad Lavender, Horror, Trail of Fiction review blog
Tony Lavoie SF/Fantasy
Jane Lebak SF
Helena Lehman
Mike Lynch SF/Adventure, Political Thrillers, Historical
Cynthia MacKinnon, Publisher, The Writers Cafe Press
Terri Main SF
Steven Macon SF; Yellow30 Sci Fi
Carole McDonnell Fantasy
Karen McSpadden
Andra L. Marquardt
Ellen C. Maze, Horror/Fantasy
Melissa Meeks Reviewer
Rebecca LuElla Miller Fantasy; CSFF Blog Tour; Speculative Faith
Becky Minor, Fantasy/Artist 
Greg Mitchell Horror/Supernatural
Keven Newsome Supernatural; New Authors' Fellowship
Kerry Nietz SF
Carol Parsons SF
Donita K. Paul Fantasy/YA
Michelle Pendergrass Horror
Lyn Perry, Editor/Publisher, Residential Aliens
Travis Perry, SF/Fantas, Biblical Historical Fiction
Ken Pick, SF/Furry
Kristine Pratt, Publisher, Written World Communications
Brian Reaves, Time Travel/Supernatural
Stephen L. Rice, Superheroes, SF/Fantasy
Jeremy Robinson, Time Travel, SF/Thriller
Scott Roche, SF, Urban Fantasy, Editor at Flying Island Press
A.M. Roelke SF, Fantasy, YA, Romance, Steampunk
Mike Roop
Scott Sandridge Fantasy/SF
Sarah Sawyer Fantasy
Bryan Thomas Schmidt SF, Fantasy, Steampunk
Forrest Schultz
Jefferson Scott SF/Fantasy; aka Jeff Gerke, Marcher Lord Press
Stoney Setzer, suspense/thriller
Deborah Cullins Smith Supernatural/SF
Cindy Emmet Smith
Chris Solaas SF/Fantasy/YA; Contributor at Novel Teen
Daphne Sonneveldt Artist
Walt Staples SF/Alternate History
Tessa Stockton Fantasy/YA, Political Intrigue
Randy Streu, Editor, Digital Dragon Magazine
Donna Sundblad Fantasy/SF
Sherry Thompson Fantasy
Robert Treskillard Fantasy
Janalyn Voigt Fantasy
Fred Warren Fantasy/SF
Daniel Weaver Horror
Tamara Wilhite SF
K.M. Wilsher SF
Steven Wilson SF/Fantasy, Reviewer
Chila Maggie Woychik, Publisher, Port Yonder Press
Heather Young Artist