
News for July 2nd 2010

Fred Warren says: My flash story, "Bullies With Big Fat Heads," is featured at Every Day Fiction. If you've ever been picked-on at school by an extraterrestrial, this one's for you. http://bit.ly/aUcU0v

Mike Duran says: This month at Novel Journey I'm asking the question, "Why is Speculative Fiction Under-represented in Christian Bookstores?" http://bit.ly/9ZMjOD Interested to see how the crowd over there responds. Check it out if you get a chance!
Lyndon Perry is close to launching a free iPhone/iPad app (developed by Davis Ray Sickmon Jr!) for his speculative zine, ResAliens.com. Subscribers will receive free issue updates and may also purchase premium content. First two e-books for sale will showcase novella-length story collections by Aston West and Rick Copple. Watch for all this soon! :)
Jeremy Robinson catches us up with his bewildering array of upcoming books at http://www.jeremyrobinsononline.com/2010/06/28/whats-next/ - be sure and check them out, as it looks like there's truly something for everyone, with thrillers for young adults, military sci-fi, apocalypses, zombies and ninjas!
A.P. Fuchs says: I was interviewed over at ZombieHoard.com. Please go here to check it out: http://zombiehoard.com/interviews.html Thanks.


News for June 30th, 2010

You can read an excerpt of Sherry Thompson's Earthbow Vol. 1 at the Written Remains blog here:
http://writtenremains.blogspot.com/2010/06/earthbow-week-continues-with-exclusive.html and if you haven't seen her interview there from last week, it's well worth checking out too:

Rounding up last week's CSFF blog tour for Imaginary Jesus by Matt Mikalatos, let's take a look at a few of the reviews:
Rachel Starr Thomson Krysti Kercher  Fred Warren Rebecca LuElla Miller

July 15 marks the six month anniversary of The New Authors' Fellowship. To commemorate the occasion, we are launching a new site layout, and renewing our commitment to be a site to help and promote unpublished authors, especially those in Christian Spec Fic. The new site will feature custom graphics made specifically for NAF, and it will have a new easy to navigate menu system, that will feature great links and resources for unpublished authors.

And just for fun, here's the R2D2 Translator: translate any word or phrase, and you can even download the audio file. http://www.r2d2translator.com/


News for June 28th

The big news of the weekend is that Jill Williamson of Marcher Lord Press has won the Christy Award in the Visionary section for her fantasy By Darkness Hid. This is a huge moment in history and a step forward for independent publishing and speculative fiction alike!
Read Jill's reaction on her blog here: http://bit.ly/bU4d9P
Read a press release with a listing of all winners here:
And you can head over to Jill's Facebook page to congratulate her: http://bit.ly/bSODg1 or at the Anomaly forum: http://bit.ly/c6FCE0

Terri Main has published another short story to go with her upcoming novel Dark Side of the Moon. Read "Fireworks" here: http://darksidenovel.blogspot.com/2010/06/fireworks.html

TitleTrakk.com is running a survey on which Narnia book you would like to see made into a movie next. To add your opinion, go here: http://www.titletrakk.com/surveys-polls.htm