
News for July 2nd 2010

Fred Warren says: My flash story, "Bullies With Big Fat Heads," is featured at Every Day Fiction. If you've ever been picked-on at school by an extraterrestrial, this one's for you. http://bit.ly/aUcU0v

Mike Duran says: This month at Novel Journey I'm asking the question, "Why is Speculative Fiction Under-represented in Christian Bookstores?" http://bit.ly/9ZMjOD Interested to see how the crowd over there responds. Check it out if you get a chance!
Lyndon Perry is close to launching a free iPhone/iPad app (developed by Davis Ray Sickmon Jr!) for his speculative zine, ResAliens.com. Subscribers will receive free issue updates and may also purchase premium content. First two e-books for sale will showcase novella-length story collections by Aston West and Rick Copple. Watch for all this soon! :)
Jeremy Robinson catches us up with his bewildering array of upcoming books at http://www.jeremyrobinsononline.com/2010/06/28/whats-next/ - be sure and check them out, as it looks like there's truly something for everyone, with thrillers for young adults, military sci-fi, apocalypses, zombies and ninjas!
A.P. Fuchs says: I was interviewed over at ZombieHoard.com. Please go here to check it out: http://zombiehoard.com/interviews.html Thanks.

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