
The Lost Genre Theater of the Mind

It's fitting that the Lost Genre return to fiction's Lost Medium: radio. In the the 1930s-1950s, radio was king. Shows like Dragnet, Dick Tracy, Superman, and Dimension X dominated the airways. Television killed the radio star, in some cases literally. When shows made the leap to TV, their radio players were left in the dust because they were too unglamourous for visual media.

In the years since, the radio drama has been done rarely. Some of the most prominent radio drama has been from Christians' children programming with Adventures in Odyssey with its mix of fantasy and small-town drama and Radio Theater both from Focus on Family, along with Insight for Living's Paws and Tales.

It's a natural tool then to help promote Light at the Edge of Darkness, our anthology of Christian Fiction. as in the next few weeks as this Sunday, we'll debut a reader's theater mini-series, with each episode featuring a dramatic reading of a story from the anthology. Afterwards, those who are on live will have a chance to quiz the author and other guests. The first episode will be live on Sunday at 6 PM ET. After that it will be available for download by clicking on the button below.

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We're trying it out, experimenting. The key to our success is people willing to come on board and help. There are only so many stories in our anthology that two or three people can read. If you've got a phone line or Skype, and a love of fiction we'd love to have your help, e-mail me if you're interested.

UPDATE: The first episode is posted, click below to listen:


Daniel I Weaver said...

This is a great idea, Adam. I know folks have been tossing it around for a while. Very glad to see it coming to fruition. There are a few stories in there that could be well done with only a few people. Can't wait to see the line-up.

cyn said...

I urge people to come and listen next week when we do Andrea Graham's "Frozen Generation." It's a fun thing to participate in and it's great listening entertainment as well.

We thank Adam for providing the podcast venue for Light at the Edge of Darkness.
