
News for February 3rd, 2010: Karina Fabian, Ryan Grabow, Fred Warren, Grace Bridges

Karina Fabian has redesigned her book page at http://bit.ly/cI3jGb - with a wide variety of genres, there's something for everyone. And don't miss the listings of her unpublished material!

Ryan Grabow has written an article outlining his reasons for publishing his virtual-reality novel Caffeine online with a Creative Commons license, free for anyone to distribute. It makes great reading at http://bit.ly/bLUQTD, and don't forget to check out the novel itself at http://bit.ly/dpFxOP.

Fred Warren took part in a number of writing events over the weekend for an anthology in which he is published and reports on his experiences here: http://networkedblogs.com/p26471075

Grace Bridges is interviewed this month on WhereTheMapEnds.com and the discussion with Jeff Gerke proves an interesting one. Check it out here: http://www.wherethemapends.com/Interviews/current_interview.htm

1 comment:

cathikin said...

Super interview, Grace. You've got even more irons on the fire than I realized!