
News for September 24th 2010

This week's updates from Laser & Sword ezine:
http://lasersword.adamsweb.us/the-great-searchpart-three/ Jesse asks Revelator for advice, Revelator responds with reverse psychology. (The Great Search, Part Three)
http://lasersword.adamsweb.us/the-emerald-avenger-v-the-corruptibles-part-two/ The trap is bated (The Emerald Avenger v. The Corruptibles, Part Two)
http://lasersword.adamsweb.us/countdown-part-twelve/ Snyder and Dread have to work together to escape...but they don't have to like it. (Countdown, Part Twelve)
Steve Rzasa has posted a new short story based in the world of his novels. You can get it here:

Janalyn Voigt talks about creating fantasy worlds, and the tools of fantasy writers:

Here's an introduction to Bill Myers' upcoming release, The God Hater:
And a sample preview:

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