
Light at the Edge of Darkness Scavenger Hunt

Congratulations Cheryl! please send an email to admin@lostgenreguild.com with your mailing address so we can get your prize to you! Congratulations also to Caprice! All that time did pay off!

Thank you very much to all who participated in the launch of our anthology of Biblical Speculative Fiction: Light at the Edge of Darkness. Special thanks, of course, to the blog owners for their efforts and enthusiam . . . to author and cheerleader extraordinaire Daniel I Weaver for all the background work: the concept of the blog tour was his idea and the anthology project itself was Daniel's baby!

Now, should you want to purchase a copy of Light, you can go to one of the on-line bookstores or to The Writers' Café Press where you can read about a special deal for listeners of Adam Graham's Readers Theatre.

You can also help us out by stopping by your favourite bookstore and asking them to order in Light at the Edge of Darkness.

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