
Last Day of Light at the Edge of Darkness Tour

Congratulation Murray, please email your mailing address to admin@lostgenreguild.com

And, here are today's Scavenger Hunt clues:

Submit your answers to the clues to admin@lostgenreguild.com . Remember you can submit the answers daily or all at once . . . as long as they arrive in the emailbox on or before noon (eastern) Friday June 8.

Winner of the Grand Prize will be announced Friday evening here on the Lost Genre Guild Blog.

While you are visiting us here at the LGG blog, don't forget to sign-up to receive the latest posts in your InBox -- just type in your email address in the FeedBlitz box in the side bar.

Also, take a break and listen to Adam Graham's Readers' Theatre Podcast (found on the side bar). May I recommend the most recent work: "Chairman." Due to technical difficulties, Adam had to redo the original version and read all the parts on his own: the result is very impressive and well worth the short listen.

N.B. If the podcast image does not appear when you first reach this page, try back a few minutes later. It is there, really! but it also likes to disappear every so often to take a much needed rest.

Join Adam Graham and friends for the next story in Light at the Edge of Darkness: "Guilty" on Sunday June 24, 2007 at http://www.talkshoe.com , scroll down the program list, and either listen live or download the talkshoe program (easy and quick) to listen and participate in the Q&A at the end of the program.

Here are some other blogs you can check out, leave a comment and be entered into a draw for a Light at the Edge of Darkness t-shirt and copy of the anthology:

Wayfarer's Journal provides a thorough review of Light
Check today's Virtual Book Tour de 'Net for an interview with Cynthia MacKinnon
Fantasy Thyme features something different every day of the tour
Casual Cogitations' first foray into review blogging!
At Write & Whine you can view Daniel I Weaver's Book Trailer from YouTube (why not go to YouTube after viewing the trailer and vote for Daniel?)
View the trailer at S.P. Hibbs' Journal & Musings, she has also provided a link to the LGG MediaRoom
How about some excerpts from Light stories? found at Unseen Worlds
Read Grace Bridge's review of Light and check out her beautiful wallpaper!


chrisd said...

I would love to purchase a t-shirt.

How can I do that?

cyn said...

You can go to www.cafepress.com/lgg and find a whole lot of Light "things."

Frank Creed said...

Thanks for all the hours you've put into Light at the Edge, both as Editor and Blog-Tour Mistress!

Frank Creed

cyn said...

Thank you for thanking me! But, the real thanks goes to all the blog tour hosts for their time and effort and enthusiasm; they've been great! Also, a very big thank you to Daniel I Weaver-san who did all the background work and was the brains behind the project!
